Redox Regulation

of Cardiomyocyte Renewal

Transatlantic Network of Excellence

LEDUCQ-REDOX brings together the efforts of 3 USA and 5 EU research teams. The project started in 2018 and is supported by the Fondation Leducq with a global funding of $6,000,000 for 5 years.
Heart failure is one of the most devastating diseases known to man, with mortality rates worse than many malignancies and a substantial burden of morbidity and health care costs. The pathophysiological basis of systolic heart failure is the inability of the adult heart to replace lost or damaged myocardium and, although limited myocyte turnover does occur in the adult heart, it is insufficient for restoration of contractile function. In this Leducq Network, we will investigate how oxidative events regulate cardiomyocyte proliferative activity. Our central hypothesis is that the redox state of cardiomyocytes regulates the endogenous regenerative capacity of the adult mammalian heart. The understanding of this pathway will open the door to new therapies based on the stimulation of cardiac regeneration.

Dr Miguel Torres | Co-coordinador

Centro Nacional de investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), Madrid

Dr Luke Szweda

University of Texas Sothwestern Medical Center USA.

Dr Hesham Sadek | Co-coordinator
University of Texas Sothwestern Medical Center, USA.

Dr Bertrand Friguet
Sorbonne Université, FR.

Prof. Jonas Frisen
Karolinska Institutet, SE.

Prof Magdi Yacoub
The Magdi Yacoub Institute, UK.

Prof Ajay Shah
King´s College London, UK.