Leducq Redox Multidisciplinary Training Program


Our Training Program offers junior investigators and co-PIs expertise in a breadth of scientific approaches and philosophies relevant to cardiovascular research and, in so doing, enhance each junior investigator’s scientific independent research career. The network´s Training Core capitalizes on the diverse yet complementary areas of expertise represented in the network.

All network investigators act as mentors and Dr Szweda coordinates the Training Core. As Chair of the National Institutes of Health Biological Aging (NIA-B) study section (since 2013), that exclusively reviews grant proposals from young investigators transitioning to independence, and as Chair of the Aging and Metabolism Research Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (2007-16), Dr Szweda has experience mentoring and evaluating junior faculty.

Core training activities:
  1. Training and evaluation of each junior investigator’s progress in their projects and in preparing grant proposals
  2. Junior investigators receive advice on grant proposals and identification of relevant collaborations that will strengthen their applications
  3. Junior investigators travel to other laboratories within the network to obtain training in multidisciplinary methods and approaches
  4. Research committees assist junior investigators in communication skills when presenting their work at meetings
  5. Dedicated Trainee Meetings (only for trainees) will an additional forum for presenting results, evaluation among peers, and fostering a strong collaborative spirit